Empowering Denver's Legal Minds

Welcome to The Docket

Explore the core of legal journalism and entertainment dedicated to Denver’s vibrant law community.

Our Purpose

The Docket, the Denver Bar Association’s member magazine, was designed to educate and entertain the legal community. As a member-powered publication, we welcome members as authors, photographers, and artists.

Meet Our Editorial Team

Tali Thomason

Editor-in-Chief, Director of Communications & Marketing

Kate Schuster

Creative Manager & Graphic Designer

Siet Milne-Wright

Content Writer and Copyeditor, Communications Manager

Natalie Hustead

Photographer, Communications & Marketing Assistant

The Docket Committee

The Docket Committee includes represetnatives from the DBA Board of Trustees and members and is charged with outreach and communication with members to promote readership and engage prospective authors, selecting Feature stories for each month’s posts, and collaborating with the staff editorial team.

Annie Martínez, DBA President

Nicoal Sperrazza, DBA Past President

Courtney Baldwin

John Lee

Sebastian Meloortiz

Corinne Miller

Kehinde Winful