10 Questions with
Kehinde Winful
DBA Member Since 2014

1. Where did you go to Law School?
CU Law. I graduated in 2022
2. Are you currently binge-watching any shows?
I recently finished binge watching both The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. So good. Especially the Originals. I won’t say how quickly I binged, but if you know, you know.
3. How do you de-stress?
Long walks. Buying myself an ice cold Fiji water. Taking a nap.
4. What is your favorite book or movie?
I know this question says “or” and not “and” but—–
Movie: Something’s Gotta Give or the Devil Wears Prada
Book: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adicihi
5. If you weren’t a lawyer, what would you be?
A full-time writer and maybe even an influencer (LOL)- – – vlogger, to be specific.
6. What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Take care of yourself and stand up for yourself” – my twin sister’s daily unsolicited advice. This Is my first time admitting that it’s actually good.
7. What is your favorite law school memory?
Being paired with Bria May as my Women’s Law Caucus Mentor and meeting Michaela Calhoun (now Levi) randomly in the bathroom. They have both become two of my dearest friends and I am better because I know them.
8. Where have you lived?
- Nigeria
- Ghana
- Minnesota
- Chicago
- Pittsburgh
- Colorado
9. Who in your life do you look up to and why?
My mom. She is so smart, so accomplished, and so fly; she manages to live life to the fullest and she is also the funniest person I know.
10. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I wrote a novel, which was/is my dream. It comes out later this year! I am so proud of myself.